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Customer service > Questions about your purchase

Questions about your purchase

How do I find items in this shop?

Use our navigation panel on the left side of the page. Navigation in this shop is based on filtering; for example select the category "Telescopes" then, step-by-step, you can filter the products you are interested in according to various criteria such as design, brand or price range.

Tip: if you know the product number of the item you are looking for, simply enter it in the search field to access it directly.

How does the ordering process work, and what should I look out for?


So, you have selected your desired products and would like to place an order. If you have any questions you would like answered in advance, our experienced staff and experts will be happy to help you: Contact.

It's possible to place your order by phone, but it is usually easier to order directly in the shop. This guarantees that all the important data have been registered correctly.

Note: please be sure to provide your email address if you have one, otherwise you won’t be able to benefit from our email service. Also, providing a phone number is very helpful for delivery.

You can correct all the details you have entered up to the point you send your order. Once you have checked your data on the last page of the ordering process you can submit your order.


You will automatically receive a confirmation by email with your personal data. In it you will find detailed information about the process for payment and delivery.

The invoice amount consists of the following:
Total value of items in your shopping basket
 + shipping costs
 = Total amount payable
 You will not incur any hidden costs or other service charges when you buy from us. On the contrary: if you pay in advance by bank transfer you can deduct a further 2% from the total amount!


Your order will be delivered, carefully packed, by our reliable logistics partners.

All important documents such as the operating instructions, VAT invoice and any necessary customs documentation are enclosed with the delivery.

Note for telescope orders:

The heavier instruments are often sent in two packages due to their weight. Please don’t worry if these packages do not arrive with you at the same time. Also, we try to pack all the other items from your order together in order to reduce shipping costs. When you unpack your order please check the contents carefully. A small filter, for example, can easily be hidden among the packaging.

Where will I find my invoice?

Your invoice is usually either inside the parcel or in the red document pocket attached to the outside of the parcel. No invoice will be included if the delivery address is different.

You will also find all invoices and credit notes in your customer account. You can download everything from there easily and conveniently. Please log in online or follow the link in our order confirmation. We can also send you a copy by email, if necessary.

How do I redeem a voucher code?

As soon as you have placed all the desired items for your order in your shopping cart, you can redeem your voucher code. You will find the voucher code field in the shopping cart.

If the value of the voucher exceeds your order value, you cannot redeem it online. If this is the case, please add a short note for us in the “additional comments” field together with the voucher number. You will find this below your address information. We will retroactively add the voucher to your order and send you a new voucher for the difference between the original voucher value and the cost of your purchase. If you have already paid for your order, we will of course, refund you the corresponding amount.

What is meant by "best price guarantee"?

The best price guarantee is a special feature of our shop. For you, this means: have you seen an item elsewhere at a lower price? Then let us know! We give a best price guarantee on most products.

This means that you only pay the lowest price and still benefit from our high level of service. Please note that we can only consider offers from our competitors within the EU.

On the product details pages you will find the link: "too expensive?". Fill out all the details in the form and send it to us. Within 24 hours we will let you know whether we can match this price.